Keep reading to learn more about purchasing points.
Purchasing points from the website
The amount of points you can buy varies from 3,000p, 5,000p, 10,000p, and 50,000p, and you can use credit cards and smartphones to pay, or send the money using your bank account.
1. Click your profile, which is located on the top right, and click "Purchase points."
2. Click "Purchase points" from "Points/Payment" menu in My Page.
3. Click "Purchase points" from Crowdsourced Project Request page.
Purchasing points through the app
The amount of points you can buy varies from 800p, 11,000p, and 52,000p, and you can make in-app purchases only.
1. Touch "Purchase points" from "Points/Payment" menu in My Page.
2. Touch "Purchase points" from Crowdsourced Project Request page.
Using points
The points you bought can only be used for requesting Crowdsourced Project and not for 1:1 Pro Translation service
It is also not possible to use the points you bought on the Flitto store.