Our content policy is as follows :
Putting down personal data such as contact information in the About section.
First violation: removal of content in the About section, warning by email
Second violation: removal of content in the About section, warning by email, suspension of the account, removal of points
Third violation or more: removal of content in About section, warning by email, suspension of the account, removal of points and other additional actions
Using multiple accounts for services (using them to participate in services or events at once)
First violation: warning by email, removal of additional accounts, suspension of the main account and removal of points
Second violation: warning by email, removal of additional accounts, suspension of the main account, removal of points and other additional actions
Third violation or more: warning by email and removal of the main and additional accounts
Using multiple accounts to request crowdsourced projects to transfer points
First violation: warning by email, removal of all transferred points, and suspension of the account
Second violation: warning by email, removal of double the amount of all transferred points, suspension of the account and other additional actions
Third violation or more: warning by email, removal of three times or more the amount of all transferred points, and removal of the account that tried to have the points transferred
Using machine translation (including partial editing afterward)
Arcade: Removal of the account when found by the monitoring team
Professional translation/proofreading: Action taken when found by the monitoring team
Asking for unsuitable materials such as pornography using the crowdsourced project service
First violation: removal of the request and warning by email
Second violation: removal of the request, warning by email, and suspension of the account
Third violation or more: removal of the request, warning by email, suspension of the account and other additional actions
Providing contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses through comments or memos using the crowdsourced project service
First violation: removal of related comments and memos and warning by email
Second violation: removal of related comments and memos, warning by email, and suspension of the account
Third violation or more: removal of related comments and memos, warning by email, suspension of the account and other additional actions
Providing incomplete or inaccurate translation/proofreading for the crowdsourced project service
First violation: removal of related translation/proofreading and warning by email
Second violation: removal of related translation/proofreading, warning by email, and suspension of the account
Third violation or more: removal of related translation/proofreading, warning by email, suspension of the account and other additional actions
Providing irrelevant translation/proofreading for the crowdsourced project service
First violation: removal of related translation/proofreading and warning by email
Second violation: removal of related translation/proofreading, warning by email, and suspension of the account
Third violation or more: removal of related translation/proofreading, warning by email, suspension of the account and other additional actions
Reporting the translation/proofreading done by other users for the crowdsourced project service unnecessarily
First violation: canceling of the report and warning by email
Second violation: canceling of the report, warning by email, and suspension of the account
Third violation or more: canceling of the report, warning by email, suspension of the account and other additional actions
Requesting and/or providing contact information such as phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts and Google Drive addresses while using the 1:1 Pro Translation service
First violation: warning by email
Second violation: warning by email and suspension of the account
Third violation or more: warning by email, suspension of the account and other additional actions
Canceling the request without warning and/or asking for earlier completion of the project while using the 1:1 Pro Translation service
First violation: warning by email
Second violation: warning by email and suspension of the account
Third violation or more: warning by email, suspension of the account and other additional actions
Giving a low rating to the translator/proofreader regardless of the quality of the result while using the 1:1 Pro Translation service
First violation: restoration of the rating of the affected translator/proofreader and warning by email
Second violation: restoration of the rating of the affected translator/proofreader, warning by email, and suspension of the account
Third violation or more: restoration of the rating of the affected translator/proofreader, warning by email, suspension of the account and other additional actions
Translator/Proofreader using the original for other uses than translating/proofreading or letting the unrelated party know about it without first asking for consent while using the 1:1 Pro Translation service
First violation or more: Action taken when found by the monitoring team
Translator/Proofreader stopping the work without first consulting the requester or asking for more time to work on the project while using the 1:1 Pro Translation service
First violation or more: Action taken when found by the monitoring team
Translator/Proofreader submitting an inappropriate estimate than is reasonably expected from the amount and content of the original while using the 1:1 Pro Translation service
First violation or more: Action taken when found by the monitoring team
Providing incomplete or inaccurate translation/dialogue for the Arcade service
First violation: warning by email, suspension of the account, and removal of points
Second violation or more: warning by email, suspension of the account, removal of points and other additional actions
Providing irrelevant translation/dialogues for the Arcade service
First violation: warning by email, suspension of the account, and removal of points
Second violation or more: warning by email, suspension of the account, removal of points and other additional actions
In addition to the actions mentioned above, the monitoring team is authorized to take appropriate actions depending on the circumstances.