We'll explain how to request translations and proofreading separately.
How to request Crowdsourced Translations on the website
1. Click "Flitto Translation" to go to the Translator page. Then, choose between text and image.
(Voice translations are only supported on the app.)
2. Type out the text that you want translated or upload an image. Images must be below 20MB (PNG, JPG, JPEG files).
Click "Translations from Other AI", and you can check various AI translations.
3. Click "Need more than AI?", and choose 'Crowdsourced Requests.'
4. Double check the source and target languages. Then, select the amount of points you will offer to the translator.
5. Click on "Translation Request" to submit your request. Once submitted, you cannot cancel your request.
6. Wait for translations to be uploaded and select the one you like best.
How to request Crowdsourced Translations on the app
1. First, on requesting mode, select the language pair on the "AI Translation" page.
(If you are on participating mode, go to "My Page" on the bottom right corner and click "Switch to Requesting.")
2. Type out the text that you want translated or upload an image or voice recording. Then, click "Ask Translators."
3. Select the amount of points you will offer to the translator.
4. Double check the details, including language and points. Then, click "OK" on the upper right corner to submit the request.
5. Once submitted, you cannot cancel your request.
How to request Crowdsourced Proofreading on the website
1. Click "Flitto Translation" to go to the Translator page. Then, choose 'Proofreading'
2. Type out the text and click on 'Request Fltto'. Then select 'Crowdsourced Requests'
(Uploading files are only supported for 1:1 Pro Translations.)
3. Double check the language to be proofread, and select the amount of points to offer the translator.
4. Click on "Proofreading Request" to submit your request. Once submitted, you cannot cancel your request.
5. Wait for proofread texts to be uploaded, and select the one you like best.
How to request Crowdsourced Proofreading on the app
1. Go to the "Proofreading Request" page, the second tab on the bottom of the screen on requesting mode. (If you are in participating mode, click on "Switch to Requesting" from "My Page" on the bottom right corner.)
2. Select the language, type out the text that you want proofread, and click on "Proofreading Request."
3. Select the amount of points you will offer to the translator.
4. Once submitted, you cannot cancel your request. Wait for the proofread texts to be uploaded, and select the one you like best.