1:1 Pro translation requests can be made with texts, files, and YouTube URLs.
1. The "Import file" function for 1:1 Pro translations supports the following file extensions
(.pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .doc, .docx, .hwp, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .text, .smi, .srt)
2. Only one file can be attached per request, and images (.jpg, .png, etc.) and compressed files (.zip, .7z, etc.) are not supported.
*In the case of PDF files of images (e.g., scanned files, webtoons, comics, storyboards, etc.), the requester must accurately calculate the word count before requesting an estimate.
*Proceeding with a request with scanned PDF files makes calculating estimates difficult. Even after making a payment, there may be trouble proceeding with translations or proofreadings; or worse, the request may not be completed.
3. In the case of YouTube caption translation requests, you can either request by pasting a YouTube URL or directly importing a video from your YouTube account.
YouTube videos that are not public cannot be requested. Please change your video visibility to at least "unlisted" before proceeding.
*If you provide an .srt file with your request, a more accurate translation may be done.
4. In the case of website translation requests, you cannot request translations with a link to the website. You must request website translations in document form. Please include all material that needs translation into a document before requesting.
1:1 Pro proofreading requests can be made with texts and files.
1. The supported file extensions are the same as 1:1 Pro translation
(.pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .doc, .docx, .hwp, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .text, .smi, .srt)
2. However, 1:1 Pro proofreading requests cannot be made with links.
*After payments, if you wish to provide the translator with reference material, please utilize the "Upload reference file" menu. Uploading ZIP files is supported when uploading reference files.
*Sharing of other means for communication through the chat window or attached files is prohibited.