Please describe errors in detail and avoid providing ambiguous, vague feedback.
Good example: Text A is not translated
Bad example: Translation needed, none, etc.
Please specify the reason for Reject on 'others' if there's no corresponding error.
You may be restricted from participating in projects if a comment contains swear words, insults, or abusive language.
1. Accuracy criteria
Mark if the translation is inappropriate or incorrect.
Untranslated Text
Mark if the text is not translated or partially translated.
Localization error
Mark if the name of a place/city/person is not localized.
Example: Apple Pie (US) → Apple Crumble (UK) (O)
Transliteration error
Mark if the name of a place/city/person in the target language is not transliterated.
Example: Chris had a meal (US) → 크리스는 밥을 먹었다 (KO) ️(O)
Example: Chris had a meal (US) → Chris는 밥을 먹었다 (KO) (X)
Gender representation error
Mark if the gender specified in the source text is not followed.
If gender is not specified, you can choose male or female words in the target language.
2. Fluency criteria
Overly Literal translation
Mark if the target text is over 'word-to-word' translated and sounds unnatural.
Grammar error
Mark if there's an error in consistency such as part of speech, word order, tense of subject and verb
Different tones, Honorifics & Style
Mark if the source and target texts have different text forms.
Example: “123” -> “123” (O)
Example : “123” -> “One hundred twenty three” (X)
3. Orthography error
- Punctuation error
All the punctuation marks(ex: ? ! , .) should be included as much as possible.
However, if the punctuation marks of the target language have a different form, use the punctuation mark of the target language.
- Capitalization error
Mark if the upper case in the translated text is incorrect.
- Spelling error
Mark if the spelling in the translated text is wrong.
- Phonetic Symbols error
- Mark if the phonetic symbols in the translated text are incorrect.