- The target sentences should be translations of the source sentences. It is prohibited to include explanations about translations, modified source sentences, and quotations of a part of the source sentences in the translated sentences.
- Source sentences should not be modified or edited even if there is error. It is not allowed to add modified or edited source sentence in the target sentence.
- Which are you eating? → Qu’est-ce que vous mangez? (O)
- Which are you eating? → Qu’est-ce que vous mangez? (Ce n’est pas which, mais what) (X)
- It is prohibited to provide comments, explanations or backgrounds about the translation in the target sentence.
- Mdr, c’est marrant → Lol, it’s funny. (O)
- Mdr, c’est marrant → Lol (Mdr c’est Mort de rire), it’s funny. (X)
- Source sentences should not be modified or edited even if there is error. It is not allowed to add modified or edited source sentence in the target sentence.